Everyone has a right to access fresh water . With or without our knowledge, we pollute it ourselves. Water borne diseases caused by mold and algae that accumulates in our water tanks pose a serious health risk . Water contamination is considered by health experts to be a leading cause for most epidemics and diseases. It is regrettable to note that mostly children are affected by waterborne diseases. Water borne diseases are still a major health burden in many parts of the world and estimated to cause about 842,000 diarrhoea disease deaths per year (WHO 2014). The death rate from diarrhoeal diseases decreased by almost 1 million between 2000 and 2016, but still caused 1.4 million deaths in 2016. The contaminants in the water tanks have been identified as the main source of water pollution. We pay a high price for our negligence or take such matters as tank cleaning , too trivial or unimportant. However, the task of cleaning water tanks which was thought to be cumbersome is easier now and can be done by oneself ,at our convenience.
Presenting the Hanbaz water tank cleaner! HANBAZ INDIA MANUFACTURING LLP is providing a helping hand to the public health care system…